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Life Lessons I Learned as a Waiter

Many years ago, I worked at a restaurant that hired a man named Bob Brown to train the wait staff in upselling techniques -- that is, the ability to get people to buy more things -- in order to increase revenues for the restaurant, and as a result, increase the tips earned by the staff. I was really impressed by Bob Brown; he had been a waiter himself, and had learned, through his own trial and error (as well as guidance from mentors along the way), how to increase his income, and do it in a way that was not pushy or fake. I learned how my acting skills could be put to work to make money both offstage and on.

I recently had the pleasure of watching Bob in action as he conducted a day-long seminar, and I was struck at how universal his message is, and I wanted to pass some of this message on to you.

Bob Brown uses an acronym to describe what he calls STAR QUALITIES in successful people, that I found particularly suited to actors, and also to all of us in daily life. The acronym is KEEPER: K is for Knowledge; the E's are for Enthusiasm and Empathy; P is for Presentation Skill; the next E is for Execution; and the R is for Reading Cues.

Knowledge - it is what this website is all about. We all continue to gather knowledge throughout our lives. Make sure you acquire the knowledge you need to accomplish a desired task or goal (whether that is in show business or your support job as a waiter, for example).

Enthusiasm - it is vital! Why do anything half-heartedly? Others pick up on your enthusiasm, and it gets them excited about what you are doing, too.

Empathy - Be aware of others, and try to understand where they are coming from. A little human kindness goes a long way. This will help you in all areas of your life, and you can tailor your approach to how your "audience" might be feeling.

Presentation - How do you present yourself? Ask yourself: Would I buy from me? Would I cast me? How neat and clean is your "uniform" or "costume"? How loud and clear do you speak? Always take care to present yourself as you want to be seen and heard. First impressions, and especially repeated impressions, can be lasting impressions!

Execution - How do you put your knowledge and skills into action? How are your technical skills? This is where rehearsing comes in -- and I mean more than just your acting scenes. The more you practice how you speak, sell, greet people, interview, etcetera, the more you will feel prepared and relaxed, and the more your skills become engrained into your natural behavior.

Reading Cues - People all communicate loudly even when they don't speak a word. Become a master at observing body language and behavioral cues. Bob Brown says that in the book "Emotional intelligence", there are over 20,000 gestures in our body language vocabulary. Watch them, and learn them. This skill is vital in everyday life, but also will help you in the art of acting, where listening and observing are requirements for good acting.

I wish you good fortune as you put these life skills into practice.

For more about Bob Brown and his Service Solutions, visit www.bobbrownss.com

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