If you are too sick to audition, don't go! I don't care if it is with the casting director you have been trying to meet for years. The fact of the matter is, if it will affect your audition in ANY way, don't go. An audition that was less than your best is never excusable because you were sick; it is simply an audition at which you were less than your best. SINGERS, this is particularly addressed to you! Being sick means you have far less control over your voice. And, trust me, casting directors are already sensitive to getting sick themselves because they see hundreds of actors for any given project. The last thing they need is your runny nose, your cough or a voice that doesn't sound remotely like your own healthy voice. I had a client who auditioned for a Broadway comedy with a severe cold; she was lucky and was called back - OR WAS SHE? When she returned for her callback, she was healthy and sounded nothing like she did before. It was her sick audition voice they fell in love with, but now she couldn't replicate it. Needless to say she didn't get the job.