A manager is much more involved in almost every area of his/her client's life: in addition to going through the Breakdowns to submit suggestions for roles (see BREAKDOWNS), he/she advises clients on career choices, grooms them for the industry with guidance on new headshots, resumes, classes, type choices, etc., and personally advises every step of their business, which includes some aspects of life coaching. The standard commission for a manager is generally 15%. There is no license for a manager. There is an old stigma that managers cannot negotiate your contracts. The fact of the matter is that it depends on the State in which they work; since managers do not have a union to regulate them and provide them with rules and regulations, managers must abide by their own State Business Code. New York State Business Code allows managers to negotiate a client's contracts if their client is not represented by a licensed agent. The State Code of California, however, states that managers are not allowed to negotiate contracts on behalf of their clients with or without an agent.